Data analysis and surveys

In addition to the continuous evaluation of course-specific data from university statistics and course progress data, central and decentralized surveys are regularly conducted at OVGU. While the decentralized surveys, in particular the teaching evaluation, are the responsibility of the faculties and are technically implemented by K33, the central surveys, for which OVGU itself is responsible as well as participating in external surveys, are jointly coordinated.

These findings are reflected in particular in the degree program discussions and conferences. The faculties are obliged to jointly review current data for each degree program at least once every quality cycle (exploration phase in the quality cycle).


Information on data protection: Student data collected by the university is evaluated anonymously for the purpose of quality assurance and development in order to fulfill the accreditation requirements, the obligation of which arises from the Higher Education Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, §7 and 9 as well as from the State Treaty on the Accreditation of Studies.


Last Modification: 16.12.2024 - Contact Person: