Instruments were derived from already established structures and processes for dealing with quality issues in the study programs, which were professionalized by consulting the university's own expertise on university research and feedback from the faculties and standardized within the OVGU's self-image, taking into account accreditation-relevant criteria. They make it possible to generate information about content, organization and framework conditions in studies and teaching and serve as a communication impulse for direct exchange and for the further development of curricula, individual teaching quality and student behavior. With the help of these instruments, the quality of the study programs at OVGU is continuously ensured and further developed.
Quality criteria catalog
The quality criteria catalog is a compilation of the accreditation-relevant requirements as well as the OVGU's mission statement and guidelines for studying and teaching and serves in particular to transparently document the assurance and further development of the quality of the study programs. The quality criteria catalog is documented for each study program and evaluated once within the quality cycle for compliance with all criteria by the central university committees.
Quality dailogs
The quality dialogs "Study Program Discussions" (SGG) and "Study Program Conferences" (SGK) are at the heart of the quality development system at the OVGU. Each study program is evaluated on an ongoing basis, at least once a year, on the basis of survey results, data analyses and program-related assessments of all those involved in the study program and external expertise, as well as with the help of the quality criteria catalog. The findings are documented, the resulting measures are reviewed for their implementation and effectiveness and evaluated by the responsible committees.
Analysis of course-related data, surveys in studies and teaching
The university uses a data-supported monitoring system that preserves the anonymity and data protection of the respondents and provides the faculties with course-specific data to reflect on their study programs. In addition, OVGU conducts centralized surveys of students on enrolment and progression, course changes and de-registration, as well as surveys of graduates, the results of which are regularly used by the faculties to reflect on the quality of study and teaching. In addition, the university participates in cross-university surveys and uses their results. If necessary, further reflective procedures for surveys in studies and teaching can be tested and established. The preparation, implementation and evaluation of decentralized surveys, in particular course evaluations, are the responsibility of the faculty offering the teaching.