You can download key documents that define the OVGU's quality development system here. Most of them are in German - if you need a courtesy translation, please contact us.
System accreditation certificate
External documents
- State Treaty on Study Accreditation (entered into force on 01.01.2018) and Model Ordinance (MRVO, KMK resolution of 07.12.2017)
- Study Accreditation Ordinance of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (StAkkrVO LSA of 15.09.2018, came into force retroactively on 01.01.2018)
- Explanatory memorandum to the Study Accreditation Ordinance LSA
- Comparison of MRVO and StAkkrVO LSA (from the Accreditation Council)
- Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) /Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area of 14/15/05/2015
- Qualifications Framework for German Higher Education Qualifications of 16.02.2017
For degree programs in which the educational requirements for a teaching profession are taught
- Key points for the mutual recognition of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in degree programs that provide the educational requirements for a teaching profession of 02 June 2005
- Standards for teacher training: Educational Sciences of 16.12.2004 in the version of 16.05.2019
- Common state content requirements for the subject sciences and subject didactics in teacher training of 16.10.2008 in the version of 16.05.2019
Documents of the OVGU
- Mission statement and guidelines for studying and teaching
- Statutes for the assurance and development of quality in studies and teaching at OVGU
- Quality criteria catalog
An essential feature of the centrally-decentrally conceived quality development system are the implementation regulations of the faculties and the ZLB, which supplement the statutes for the assurance and development of quality in studying and teaching at the OVGU and specify the culture of the departments accordingly. These can be found on the respective pages of the relevant institution or on the intranet.
Further assistance and guidelines are also available on the intranet.
- Study and teaching process handbook
- Information event QES
- Guidelines for degree program discussions and conferences
- Constructive alignment in teaching and learning - a guide to formulating and systematizing course objectives, qualification objectives, learning outcomes, competence-oriented assessment, module handbook
- Guidelines for significant changes to a degree program
- Guidelines for external experts
- Declaration of impartiality and confidentiality for external experts