
 For online surveys for teaching evaluation the faculties can use the central evaluation system of the OVGU, evasys.

The online survey with evasys allows highest flexibility and can also integrate other systems (e.g. Moodle).

Online surveys can be opened for a defined period of time. No conclusion can be drawn about the participants. The system meets all the standards of the GDPR.

Participation can take place during the course (e.g. in computer pools, on mobile devices) or at any time later when the survey is open. For this, the participant's terminal device does not have to be in the university network.

After completion of the survey, the results can be accessed immediately.

The survey can be accessed via personalized or open surveylink. A comparison of the two variants illustrates the main differences between the methods.

  personalized surveylink open surveylink
  • automatic sending of a personalized link incl. anonymized Tan to participants (collection of several links in one mail)
  • one link per survey is provided to the instructor
  • additional QR-Code
  • automatic sending of a direct and personalized participation link
  • Reminder function
  • Connection to e-learning portal (moodle)
  • Hardly any preparatory work by the teacher necessary, possibly checking whether all structural data are correctly stored in the LSF.
  • e-mail addresses of the participants have to be communicated to the evasys administrator in advance or have to be entered in the LSF.
  • forwarding of the surveylink must be done by the teacher to the students, possibly a reminder.
  • multiple participation or passing on of the link to third parties cannot be controlled
  • no connection to the e-learning portal

Last Modification: 16.12.2024 - Contact Person: