2. Quality dialogs

Discussions and conferences on study programs are initiated on an ad hoc or regular basis on the basis of the exploration phase and can be anchored in existing committees and cooperation formats (working groups, examination boards, quality circles, etc.). The faculties make all the necessary preparations for the implementation of the dialog formats.

The participants discuss the quality development potential of the degree programs on the basis of the prepared data and topics. The persons (groups) involved in the discussions, the measures agreed in the discussion, responsibilities and deadlines for implementation are recorded. The minutes are made available at least to the participants of the format and, in the case of degree program conferences, also to the ZQB and the SQB. The university management has the opportunity to request access to the faculties at any time and to participate in the discussions or conferences.

If a need for development is identified in a discussion that requires an adjustment at degree programme level, the institutionalized procedural and committee channels for adjusting the relevant documents must be followed and the quality development process finalized. The documentation can be viewed by the central level at any time, and the presentation of this development process is also continuously transferred to the OVGU's central committees.

 OVGU members are provided with guidelines for conducting degree program discussions and conferences.


Quality dialogs


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