3. Documentation and reporting

The QES maintains a reporting chain in order to dovetail quality assurance and development both horizontally and vertically. This continues the flow of information from the faculties to the committees that are centrally responsible for studies and teaching. In this way, the faculties can, on the one hand, transparently document the development work on the degree programs, present it across faculties and encourage a collegial exchange across faculties. On the other hand, those centrally responsible for studies and teaching can evaluate the extent to which the faculties implement the quality criteria, instruments and processes set by the QES. In particular, cross-faculty exchange is evident for interdisciplinary course design and development at OVGU, as no course exists without teaching imports from other faculties. Structures and challenges are also similar across faculty boundaries. The exchange in the KSL can, for example, make procedures and measures developed in one degree program or faculty visible to others in the first place.

In a bottom-up process, the deans of studies report to the KSL in writing and on an ad hoc basis (but at least once a year) on the main development processes in studies and teaching and the examination of the quality criteria, on which the ZQB can comment. In this respect, the KSL sees itself not only as a Senate committee preparing resolutions for voting on, for example, curricula and teaching exports, but also as a place for discussing aspects of university development, didactics and research. Based on reports from the faculties, the Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching also informs the Senate on an ad hoc basis, but at least once a year. The Rectorate, as the substantive and organizational management body, in turn reports annually to the responsible ministry.

The university's internal and external public is also informed annually about the procedures and results of quality assurance and development. To this end, OVGU has been publishing an annual report on teaching and learning on behalf of the Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching since 2016, in which OVGU reports on relevant developments and events in this area. The choice of topics is left to the faculties, but can be supported at any time by the Quality Assurance Department, which coordinates the publication.


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